Around the turn of the century, Josiah and Lew Wallace went on a duck hunting trip. One morning, Lew woke up with a severe stomachache. Immediately, Josiah jumped into action. He dug some Hydrastis canadensis roots (more commonly known as Goldenseal) he had seen near the duck blind. Josiah ground the roots in whiskey, tasted the brew and, named it Yaller Root Bitters. Then he gave the drink to the ailing General.
According to Lilly, the results were highly satisfactory and he stated: “I do not believe the General was more enthusiastic over his capture of Fort Donaldson in the Civil War.” In his memoirs, Lilly failed to note just how large a medicinal dose Wallace took prior to his enthusiastic response. After taking the cure, Wallace always referred to Josiah as “Doctor.”
According to Wikipedia, Goldenseal is often used as a multi-purpose remedy and is thought to possess many different medicinal properties. It can act as a topical antimicrobial. In addition, taken internally it serves as a digestion aid. Goldenseal may remove canker sores when gargled. It is often used to boost the medicinal effects of other herbs it’s blended or formulated with. Wikipedia does not address the medicinal boost offered by mixing Hydrastis Canadensis with whiskey and a couple of duck hunters.
Information for this Tidbit from: All in a Century: The First 100 Years of Eli Lilly and Company, by E.J. Kahn, Jr.
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