Restoration efforts are coming along nicely here at the Study! The striking copper finial that sits on top of the Study cupola has been chemically cleaned, polished and restored to its place of honor overlooking the Museum grounds. It was unclear at first whether the original finial, which had the same green patina as the original copper roof, would be in salvageable shape, but as one can see from these photos, it’s made a beautiful return to what will soon be a beautiful, shiny roof.
Meanwhile, workers have removed the copper roof from the mechanical room on the north side of the building and have begun to repair the damaged wood slats and battens underneath. This roof was in a slightly worse shape than the roof over the main room, so even though it’s a smaller job, repair work may take a bit longer in this location. Thankfully, we have been blessed–still–with great weather! Keep your fingers crossed that our luck holds!