When something of interest landed on Lew Wallace’s radar, he just couldn’t leave well enough alone. Late in life he purchased acreage outside of town. There he created his country home, Water Babble, where he began improving the property. He planned to create a fish hatchery. This wasn’t his only […]
Lew Wallace
Lew Wallace was a man who loved to satisfy his curiosity by research. He also had great curiosity as a boy, and satisfied his need for knowledge in brave and exciting ways. In his autobiography, Lew comments on the fine and wondrous home of Major Elston. “His [Elston’s] dwelling-house, in […]
In honor of the Strawberry Festival on the grounds of Lane Place in Crawfordsville this weekend, we thought it would be appropriate to consider one of our many ties to the Lanes. Summer intern Kasey Greer found this excerpt about Lew’s family life. Lew held strong opinions and acted as […]
Archaeologists have found evidence that clocks have existed as early as 400 BC. Clocks running on water existed in China. The Greeks invented early mechanical clocks in the 1st century BC. In the early 13th century clocks even had alarms set on them to make a motion or sound at […]
What was Lew Wallace’s political affiliation? Looking to his Autobiography, Wallace grew up “intensely Whig.” His father belonged to the Whig party during his time as governor and state legislator. Wallace carried on these political views until the personally crucial election of 1848. This election found General Zachary Taylor, among […]