
466 posts

Study Joins Forces with Carnegie for Maker Day

The Carnegie Museum of Montgomery County and the General Lew Wallace Study and Museum are coming together to host our first MAKER DAY celebrating “Making” in all of its forms. This fun, family-friendly, one-day festival celebrates the inquisitive spirit in all of us as we learn, invent, craft, make, play, […]

November holidays

The General Lew Wallace Study & Museum will be closed Tuesday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day.   We will also be closed on Thursday, November 27 and Friday, November 28, in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.

Professor Jane E. Schultz, a white woman with long brown hair. She wears a red shirt.

Bodies Embattled: Nurses, Surgeons, and the Stakes of Mortality during the American Civil War

Our final Civil War lecture of 2014 will be held in conjunction with Wabash College on Thursday, November 6 at 7:30 pm. Unlike our other lectures, this one will be located on the Wabash College campus, in Baxter 101. We will have far greater seating capacity there, as we are expecting a crowd. […]

The civil liberties lecture will touch on Mary Surratt, the first woman executed by the federal government

Crowded with Perplexities: Lew Wallace and Civil Liberties in Baltimore

Our seventh lecture of the year will be on Thursday, October 23, with S. Chandler Lighty, Historical Digital Newspapers Program Manager and Digital Initiatives Consultant at the Indiana State Library. Lighty will deliver a lecture entitled “Crowded with Perplexities: Lew Wallace and Civil Liberties in Baltimore.” Civil Liberties in Baltimore […]