On Saturday, April 1, 2017, history buffs, community leaders and preservationists will team up with the Civil War Trust at more than 130 sites in 30 states to answer the call to service on Park Day. Celebrating over 20 successful years, Park Day has attracted volunteers of all ages and […]
Indiana Poet Laureate Shari Wagner visited us as part of our 2016 Lew Wallace Festival of Words and gave a fascinating reading of several of her poems inspired by Indiana history. Shari Wagner, Indiana’s fifth Poet Laureate, is the author of two books of poetry: The Harmonist at Nightfall: Poems […]
We had a wonderful crowd turn out to hear Ben-Hur expert Dr. Howard Miller speak about the 2016 film and Carol Wallace’s modern-language adaptation of the novel. Dr. Miller talked about the 2016 Ben-Hur remake. He also discussed the flurry of Ben-Hur material during the Indiana Bicentennial and what that looks like […]
Carol Wallace, Lew Wallace’s great-great-granddaughter, visited Crawfordsville on September 8. She drew a record crowd for her discussion of Ben-Hur and growing up with the Wallace family legacy of writing. Carol graciously allowed us to broadcast her talk on Facebook Live, and we are posting the video here for future […]
UPDATED: You can view the video of Carol’s visit here at our website. We’re pleased to invite the public to join us on Thursday, September 8, at 7 p.m. for a very special evening with Carol Wallace, Lew Wallace’s great-great-granddaughter! Carol has written more than twenty books, including most recently a historical […]
The next Hoosier Author Book Club meeting will be held Thursday, April 28, at 7 p.m. inside the newly-restored Study building. Readers will discuss the Edward Eggleston novel The Hoosier Schoolmaster. Copies of the book are available for check-out from the museum. Because the book is in the public domain, […]
The 2016 exhibit “The Golden Age of Indiana Literature: From Ben-Hur to Alice Adams” opens today in the Carriage House Interpretive Center at the General Lew Wallace Study & Museum. As part of statewide Indiana Bicentennial celebration, the General Lew Wallace Study & Museum will be discussing the great contribution Hoosier […]
The General Lew Wallace Study & Museum’s state bicentennial programming is getting underway with The House of a Thousand Candles! The Museum’s 2016 exhibit will discuss the Golden Age of Indiana Literature, which began with the publication of Lew Wallace’s Ben-Hur and went on to include prominent novelists such as […]
Join us Thursday, October 15 at 7 pm for a discussion in the Study of Booth Tarkington’s Pulitzer-Prize-winning novel The Magnificent Ambersons! First published in 1918, this novel is a social commentary on wealth in American society. Set in a fictionalized version of Indianapolis, the novel traces the rise and fall […]
It’s become one of the area’s most anticipated annual festivals, but the Taste of Montgomery County also fulfills a very important role. The Taste raises funds for the General Lew Wallace Study & Museum, located on the grounds in Crawfordsville where Lew Wallace penned his masterwork, Ben-Hur. The 9th annual […]