
461 posts

The Turkish Princess, artist unknown, presented to Lew Wallace by Sultan Abdul Hamid II

Oil Painting Restoration Completed!

We are pleased to announce the completion of an extensive oil painting restoration project! Grant Funding In 2017, we successfully secured two grants for the restoration of oil paintings owned by the museum. A priority assessment was funded by the Indiana Historical Society and made possible by the Lilly Endowment, […]

Dr. Howard Miller, professor emeritus from the University of Texas at Austin

Redeeming Messala: Ben-Hur Beyond the 1959 Epic

With an exploration of “Redeeming Messala,” Dr. Howard Miller, professor emeritus from the University of Texas at Austin, joined us for one more lecture in 2018. Ben-Hur Adaptations It’s possible that more adaptions of Ben-Hur have appeared in the past thirty years than in the previous eighty. And their variety […]

A black and white photo of June Mathis, legendary Hollywood scenario-writer

Adult Lecture Series: A Woman’s Ben-Hur: June Mathis

Dr. Thomas Slater of Indiana University of Pennsylvania spoke last night about June Mathis and her involvement with the 1925 silent film of Ben-Hur. Dr. Slater discussed June Mathis’ life and glass-ceiling-breaking career in Hollywood. In addition, he focused on Mathis’ script for Ben-Hur, which ultimately was not used. Dr. Slater […]