Every now and then I’ll have someone ask me questions to which I don’t have the answers. I always do my best to find out, but sometimes I don’t find the answer until the visitor is already gone. Today I want to answer a few visitor questions I’ve been asked […]
The last installment of the 2012 Civil War Lecture Series is scheduled for Thursday, October 18 at the Crawfordsville District Public Library. We will have two lectures that evening, beginning at 7pm. Chuck Beemer will present “Breakfast at Fort Donelson,” discussing Lew Wallace’s actions at Fort Donelson in February 1862. […]
Be sure to visit Wabash College’s online photo album for great pictures of the Bohumir Kryl Project! http://www.wabash.edu/photo_album/home.cfm?photo_album_id=3346 You can view pictures and download hi-res images.
Mary “Haute” Booth Tarkington was one of the leaders of a theatrical group which was established in Indianapolis in 1889. The Matinee Club Originally called the Matinee Club, the group formed to provide private performances. Twenty-five women from the city’s leading families formed the group. The all-woman group first performed in […]
Make sure to keep the evening of Thursday, October 18, open to attend the last lecture of the 2012 Civil War Lecture Series. The lectures are being held at the Crawfordsville District Public Library in the Donnelley Room at 7 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. […]
Charles B. Landis was a close friend of Lew Wallace. He also happened to be a United States Congressman elected from the 9th District near Delphi. Landis was born in Logansport and was an 1883 graduate of Wabash College. After graduating he worked on the Logansport Journal, but moved to […]
Today is Museum Day Live, presented in affiliation with the Smithsonian. People who visit the Museum Day website and print out a ticket can get free admission to one museum for two people. So far today we’ve had a lot of people participate, and we’ve only been open two and […]
Lew’s wife Susan contributed several recipes to cookbooks over the years. This one is from the 1913 Sunshine Cookbook. Baltimore Sandwiches: 2 tablespoons of sugar 1 teaspoon of salt ½ pint of vinegar 2 large tablespoons of melted butter 2 teaspoons of mustard 2 large coffee cups of boiled ham minced […]
Unit 12 (the unit that was opened near the Carriage House) has proven to be interesting. Yesterday, the archaeologists from the University of Indianapolis found flat glass (like what is used in window panes), coal, a piece of yellow ware and square nails. Both the yellow ware and the square […]
More pictures of archaeology on the grounds today. Kids are uncovering some great finds in the Archaeologist Training area and helping out at the reflecting pool, too!