
466 posts

Introducing Our New Website

We are going to be rolling out a new website in the next day or so. Don’t worry, all the same information will still be there, along with some new stuff! And you won’t have to update your bookmarks; we’ll still be at We are changing the site’s appearance, […]

Museum Day Live! logo

Smithsonian Museum Day Live!

We are once again participating in the Smithsonian Magazine’s annual Museum Day Live! Join us Saturday, September 28, and bring your pass to receive free admission for 2 people. Visitors may gain free entry to the General Lew Wallace Study & Museum with a printed pass from Smithsonian Magazine. In order […]

Come Play in the Dirt!

Mark your calendars for this autumn’s History Beneath Us weekend. On September 22 & 23, archaeologists from the University of Indianapolis will be joining us to continue excavations on Lew’s reflecting pool. Visitors will be able to observe archaeologists at work and learn about their methods. Anyone wishing to help […]