
466 posts

Gene Gauntier and the Early Film Industry

In the development of the 1925 epic film of Ben-Hur, June Mathis, played a critical role until she was removed from the project early in the filming. After the replacement of Ms. Mathis women did not play a significant role in upper management in the film industry for almost 30 years. […]

From Page to Stage

In March of 1898, Lew Wallace was quoted in the Crawfordsville Weekly Journal when it picked up a story printed in the Indianapolis Journal where the author declared: “Won’t Dramatize It.  Gen. Wallace Tells Why He Won’t Have Ben-Hur Put on the Stage.  “This evening,” said General Wallace, “I received a letter from a […]

Traveling the Circuit

Traveling the Circuit Lew Wallace was an attorney by profession, although he did not particularly enjoy this career. His initial effort at passing the bar in the mid-1840s failed. His first exam, graded by Isaac Blackford, Chief Justice of the Indiana, was not successful; while his answers may not have […]

Edward Canby

Lew Wallace was not the only person from Crawfordsville who made a significant difference in the 19th century. Off Wabash Avenue on the east side of Crawfordsville is Canby Avenue. It is one of the few local reminders of E.R.S. Canby, a local boy, friend of Lew Wallace, and one of […]

Charles Dickens Jr.’s Visit to Crawfordsville

Charles Dickens made his first tour of the United States in 1842. He was greeted with great enthusiasm throughout his tour even though he would not publish his A Christmas Carol until the following year. Dickens at first reveled in the attention but soon the never-ending demand on his time began to wear […]

Friends in High Places.

As the fame of Ben-Hur grew in the 1880s, Lew Wallace received countless letters praising the work. In the Lew Wallace Autobiography, Susan Wallace selected a number or eloquent and expressive letters worthy of note for the Autobiography. These included letters to Lew from Paul H. Hayne, Lord Dufferin, President James Garfield, William Wetmore […]

Actors in the Stands of the 1925 Ben-Hur.

The two leading actors in the 1925 silent movie version of Ben-Hur, Ramon Navarro and Francis X. Bushman, are still well remembered. Many of the others who played lead roles in the movie and were famous in their day have fallen into relative obscurity. What’s surprising is the number of actors […]

Monument Circle

For over 60 years, Lew Wallace had a relationship with the plot of land in downtown Indianapolis that came to be known as Monument Circle. This property was originally called the governor’s circle and Wallace’s relationship with the circle began during his boyhood when he hid in the basement of […]