Past Programs

Thank you for your interest in the many programs we have hosted over the years. We are grateful to the many sponsors, instructors, volunteers, and visitors who have made our previous programming possible. As the museum evolves, our mission and goals also evolve. Some of our program cancellations reflect this evolving mission. Some of the cancellations also reflect the changing makeup of our community and our audience.

Over the years, museum staff has worked hard to provide diverse, quality programming to visitors of all ages. As time goes by, some programs prove less popular than others. Some programs lose their relevance. Other programs grow beyond our budget.

While we know better than to say never, many of the programs listed as Past Programs are no longer held at the Study.

Past Programs

The Lew Wallace Youth Academy, though an excellent program, became too time-intensive for museum staff to continue. Our Civil War Encampments never generated the attendance we would have liked. These reenactors pay a great deal of attention to detail and deserve a large audience. Even after changing the dates for the encampment, we rarely saw more than fifty people over the course of the weekend.

Similarly, the Lew Wallace Cultural Award never saw much community engagement. As a result we discontinued the program for the time being. The Carnegie Museum of Montgomery County continues to host Maker Day each summer. The General Lew Wallace Study & Museum no longer partners with them; hosting the event at two locations proved confusing.

Due to complicated academic schedules and logistics, the University of Indianapolis no longer conducts their field school on Study grounds. As a result, History Beneath Us no longer occurs on a regular basis.

If you are interested in seeing one of these programs return, please contact us at We always welcome public input and volunteers.